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College & Young Adults

Our Purpose

We develop ministries and means for young adults to discover and live their unique and unrepeatable personal vocation in and through the Catholic Church.

How we Serve

 We work to establish young adult hubs; Support, resource and enhance College Campus Ministry; and recruit, form, and mentor Young Adult Leaders

Queen City Catholic

There is a place for you here! Whether you’re searching for community, looking to grow deeper in your faith or seeking answers to questions about the Church, there’s a place for you. 


Start a Young Adult Ministry in your Parish

Young adult ministry is not a one-size-fits-all approach and often begins with volunteers. With that in mind, our office would like to mentor individuals as they begin the process of establishing a ministry in their parish or region.

Here are a few things for the minister to consider:

  • Who is in your parish? (Young singles, young married couples, young families, college students, etc.)
  • Who are you? (No ministry will succeed if it doesn’t include an authentic
    representation of yourself.)
  • What do the people in your parish need?
  • What dreams do you have for this ministry?

It is our hope that these questions will guide your discernment as you begin this ministry. Please feel free to reach out to our office. We would love the opportunity to discern these questions with you and to walk with you on this journey.

Directory of Higher Education Campus Ministry Programs
in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Fr. Jacob Willig, Chaplain CatholicRedhawk.com [email protected]
Kevin Stetter, Campus Minister [email protected]


Fr. Jeff Stephens, Parochial Vicar [email protected]
Karissa Dunn, Campus Minister [email protected]

Catholic Campus Ministry raidercatholics.com
Fr. Tim Fahey, Chaplain
[email protected]
John Davis, Camps Minister [email protected]


13 March 2025

A seminar on the importance ofcoaching parents to take a more active role in transmitting the faith to their children.

St. Francis of Assisi, 6245 Wilmington Pike
Dayton, OH 45459 United States
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