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Parish Support


We form, equip, and coach parish evangelists for ministry in their parishes.


Our Parish Evangelization Support Team seeks to provide opportunities for Parish Evangelists that will enable them to encounter Jesus Christ, to grow as a community, and to open space for the Holy Spirit to renew parish evangelization structures. We do this through three key areas of responsibility.

Summer Conferences

The CNE is offering scholarships for our recommended summer conferences!

2024-2025 CALENDAR

Upcoming Events

13 March 2025

A seminar on the importance ofcoaching parents to take a more active role in transmitting the faith to their children.

13 March 2025

A seminar on the importance ofcoaching parents to take a more active role in transmitting the faith to their children.

20 May 2025

The Journey From Beginning Disciple to Missionary Disciple We often lump the stages of discipleship into one big bucket. If the journey of discipleship is lifelong, it makes sense that[...]

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Re-Ignite Retreat

Monday, October 10th – Tuesday, October 11th at Maria Stein Spiritual Retreat Center

Open to all Parish Evangelists, come away for a 2-day, 1-night retreat. Allow yourself the opportunity to rest, encounter the Lord anew, renew old friendships and form new ones, and allow our team to care for you. The retreat will include time for personal prayer and reflection, silence, engaging talks, praise & worship, small group conversation, spiritual direction, daily Mass, Reconciliation, evening social with bonfire, and more! The theme for this year’s retreat is Share in the Master’s Joy! We will be unpacking how we can find and safeguard our joy in vocation, the Cross, and in ministry.

Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. Light hospitality provided. Retreat ends by 4:00 p.m. Individual rooms with bedding and towels provided.

Cost: $28 (non-refundable to reserve spot). Space is limited. 

Advent Retreat

Tuesday, December 7, 2021 • 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Maria Stein Spiritual Retreat Center

Parish Evangelists are invited to take a break from the business of the Advent Season and Contemplate the Face of Christ Through Mary. The day will include an opportunity for Confession, Adoration, personal reflection time, and Mass. Our guest speaker will be Sr. Karolyn Nunes, Vocations Director for the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George Community. Cost is $20 and includes lunch.

Lenten Retreat For Parish Leaders

A God Who Hears His People

Parish leaders – priests, deacons, staff, parishioner leaders – are encouraged to join us for a day of personal reflection and healing around the changes in parish structures by creating a space of listening, hospitality, and encounter with the Holy Spirit. The day will be hosted by Josh Danis (Alpha in a Catholic Context) and the Center for the New Evangelization, in conjunction with the Office for Parish Vitality.

The cost for the day is $10 and includes lunch.

Empower Training

EMPOWER is a day of prayer, practical training, and community for those who serve young people, grades 6-12. Hosted by Life Teen, the workshops will be provided for both new and veteran ministers. Please see the tabs below for a flyer and to register.

When: Sat, Aug 20, 2022

Where: Dayton, OH
St. Paul Catholic Church
1000 Wenger Rd, Englewood, OH 45322

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.

Cost: $55 by July 31st (Lunch Included)
$70 after July 31st
$85 On-Site

Questions? Email Shane Legg at slegg@catholicaoc.org


These days will offer workshops for catechists/core members working with K-12.  We encourage DRE/YM’s to bring their volunteers for a time of prayer, fellowship, and training for another year of ministry and serving. Save these dates!

St. Michaels (Ft. Loramie) – Wed, Aug 10th from 6-9 p.m.

DRE/YM can register their volunteers by adding them to the google sheetNo cost for this event.

Dayton (location TBD) – Sat, Sept 17th from 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Regional Network Groups

EMPOWER is a day of prayer, practical training, and community for those who serve young people, grades 6-12. Hosted by Life Teen, the workshops will be provided for both new and veteran ministers. Please see the tabs below for a flyer and to register.

When: Sat, Aug 20, 2022

Where: Dayton, OH
St. Paul Catholic Church
1000 Wenger Rd, Englewood, OH 45322

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.

Cost: $55 by July 31st (Lunch Included)
$70 after July 31st
$85 On-Site

Questions? Email Shane Legg at slegg@catholicaoc.org

CNE Appreciation Banquet | February 4, 2023

Please join us as we recognize the incredible work of parish evangelists in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. This is a free, semi-formal event for our evangelist. Guests are $45. Invitees will have received an invitations by mail. Cocktail hour begins at 5:00 p.m. and dinner and awards will begin at 6:00 p.m.