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Genesis: a pre-cana retreat

Maria Stein Spiritual Center, Maria Stein, Ohio 2365 St Johns Rd., Maria Stein, Ohio

As you prepare for marriage, we invite you to be a part of the Genesis Marriage Community, where you will meet other engaged and newly married couples as well as married couples from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who want to share this exciting journey of married life with you. It all begins with GENESIS, […]


Genesis: a pre-cana retreat


As you prepare for marriage, we invite you to be a part of the Genesis Marriage Community, where you will meet other engaged and newly married couples as well as married couples from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who want to share this exciting journey of married life with you. It all begins with GENESIS, […]


Santa María en Adviento / Holy Mary in Advent

St. Theresa Cathholic Church 1827 N. Limestone Street, Springfield, OH, United States

La Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati invita a la comunidad Hispana a prepararse para el Nacimiento del Niño Jesús con un Retiro Mariano de Adviento. La Doctora María García, nuestra Directora Asociada de Evangelización Hispana, especialista en estudios sobre la Virgen Maria impartirá tres charlas: - Las advocaciones Marianas del mes de diciembre - Nuestra Señora de […]

Misa Guadalupana (Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass)

Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains 325 W 8th St, Cincinnati, OH, United States

La Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati le invita a la celebración de la Santa Misa con el Reverendísimo arzobispo Dennis Schnurr en la festividad de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe este 12 de Diciembre a las 7:00 pm en la basílica catedral de San Pedro Encadenado (Cincinnati, OH). Habrá un pequeño convivio después en el sótano de la […]

Alpha Come and See Experience

St. Boniface Piqua 310 S. Downing Street, Piqua, OH, United States

Join us for a full run-through of one "night" of Alpha! Meal - Hospitality - Small Group Conversation. This event is free, but please RSVP. This event will be held in Piqua at St. Boniface. Flyer


Genesis: a pre-cana retreat – January 14, 2023

The Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal, West Milton, Ohio 3505 Calumet Road, Ludlow Falls, OH, United States

As you prepare for marriage, we invite you to be a part of the Genesis Marriage Community, where you will meet other engaged and newly married couples as well as married couples from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who want to share this exciting journey of married life with you. It all begins with GENESIS, […]


Candlelight Mass

Our Lady of the Rosary 22 Notre Dame Avenue, Dayton, OH, United States

Experience the Mass in a beautiful way. The Dayton Catholic Young Adults invites you to join them at Our Lady of the Rosary in Dayton, OH on the third Thursday of every month to celebrate the liturgy with young adults. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for personal prayer. Social follows at Lock 27 from 7:00 […]

Genesis: a pre-cana retreat – January 28, 2023

Maria Stein Spiritual Center, Maria Stein, Ohio 2365 St Johns Rd., Maria Stein, Ohio

As you prepare for marriage, we invite you to be a part of the Genesis Marriage Community, where you will meet other engaged and newly married couples as well as married couples from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who want to share this exciting journey of married life with you. It all begins with GENESIS, […]


Genesis: a pre-cana retreat – February 4, 2023


As you prepare for marriage, we invite you to be a part of the Genesis Marriage Community, where you will meet other engaged and newly married couples as well as married couples from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who want to share this exciting journey of married life with you. It all begins with GENESIS, […]


Build The Fire Workshop

St. Francis of Assisi 6245 Wilmington Pike, Dayton, OH, United States

Build the Fire is a two- day workshop on "Strategic Planning for Parish Evangelization" – from youth to adults. These days are built to intentionally help you both experience and begin to dream about what ministry and efforts in evangelization could look like, as well as discussion on practical application. All Parish Evangelists are welcome! […]