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Life In Me: A Retreat On Being A Reservoir

St. Mary of the Assumption 9579 Yankee Road, Springboro, OH, United States

Parish Evangelists, mark your calendar now to attend Life In Me: A Retreat on Being a Reservoir on Friday, April 28, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at St. Mary of the Assumption in Springboro.Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, president of Franciscan University, and Mark Berchem, founder and president of NET Ministries will reflect on John 6 and the […]

Marriage Preparation Documentation Training

St. Susanna 616 Reading Rd, Mason, OH, United States

All who serve in any capacity with parish marriage preparation are invited to attend a free training on May 4, 2023 at St. Susanna from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. It will be livestreamed via Zoom for those who wish to participate remotely. Offered by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the training will feature presentations by […]


RUN Alpha Training

St. Francis de Sales Parish 20 DeSales Ave., Lebanon, OH, United States

Run Alpha is an interactive training experience that lets you explore what its like to run Alpha in-person or online. We cover topics like "What is Alpha?", the Alpha 7 best practices, the Alpha small group and leading prayer ministry on the Alpha weekend away. Learn from the Alpha USA team how to run Alpha in the Catholic context Meet others running Alpha Designed to equip your entire team. Cost: FREE *Lunch provided by The Center for the New Evangelization* To register for this event, please […]

Taller para Jóvenes: Educación sobre el Amor y la Sexualidad

St. Leo the Great 2573 St. Leo Place, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Hablando del amor, el Papa Juan Pablo II dijo: “no hay nada más misterioso y desconocido que el amor. Todos tenemos una profunda y desesperada necesidad por al amor absoluto, y la diferencia entre como lo percibimos y como lo vivimos es una cosa terrible. El amor no es algo que se puede enseñar y, […]

Taller para Jóvenes: Educación sobre el Amor y la Sexualidad

St. Leo the Great 2573 St. Leo Place, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Hablando del amor, el Papa Juan Pablo II dijo: “no hay nada más misterioso y desconocido que el amor. Todos tenemos una profunda y desesperada necesidad por al amor absoluto, y la diferencia entre como lo percibimos y como lo vivimos es una cosa terrible. El amor no es algo que se puede enseñar y, […]

Festividades Religiosas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y del Inmaculado Corazón de María

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús 209 W. Lake Ave, New Carlisle, OH, United States

La Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati invita a toda la comunidad hispana a los días de reflexión sobre el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el Inmaculado Corazón de María, en sus días festivos viernes, Junio 16 y sábado, Junio 17, respectivamente. En esta oportunidad se dará a conocer la enseñanza católica acerca de la devoción al Sagrado […]


Festividades Religiosas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y del Inmaculado Corazón de María

Iglesia del Inmaculado Corazón de María 7820 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH, United States

La Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati invita a toda la comunidad hispana a los días de reflexión sobre el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el Inmaculado Corazón de María, en sus días festivos viernes, Junio 16 y sábado, Junio 17, respectivamente. En esta oportunidad se dará a conocer la enseñanza católica acerca de la devoción al Sagrado […]


Fertility Awareness Week Webinar

You are invited to learn more about fertility and Natural Family Planning during NFP Awareness Week! This informational meeting will be held via Zoom and cover several topics, including: Where does the Church's teaching on NFP come from? What is the teaching on family planning? How does NFP work? What are options for NFP methods? […]


Introduction to NFP

Come learn more about Natural Family Planning with a virtual class taught by Registered Nurse/Certified Marquette Method Instructor, Jenna Bernardo. This free class will be a general NFP Course, not specific to The Marquette Method, though it would be a great start to learning The Marquette Method of NFP. Some of the topics covered during […]

Light the Match Workshops

Dayton Metro Library Northwest Branch 2410 Philadelphia Dr., Dayton, OH, United States

Light the Match is a two-day workshop for theological and pedagogical formation for parish evangelists. These two days will include breakout sessions for new evangelists, youth evangelists, adult evangelists, and pastoral associates. A light breakfast and lunch served each day. Optional dinner and overnight accommodations available. Cost: $20/day or $30 for both days; $70 for […]

Run Alpha Training

St. Margaret of York 9495 Columbia Rd, Loveland, OH, United States

This is an interactive training to experience what it is like to run Alpha.  Alpha is a space for people outside of the church to explore faith within the context of the local church. Gather with other churches and leaders from across the region for an interactive training to develop an understanding of Alpha and […]

Empower Conference

Empower Conference (by Life Teen) is an opportunity to equip youth evangelists and their teams with the tools and techniques that their ministry needs to not just survive, but to thrive. With a focus on team building along with practical training for the current youth evangelization landscape, these trainings are designed to set you up […]