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An Advent Retreat

St. Mary of the Assumption 9579 Yankee Road, Springboro, OH, United States

Pastoral Ministers are invited to take some time during this busy liturgical season to remind yourself what is means to “Radiate Joy” in all you are called to do. This one-day retreat for pastors, youth evangelists, DRE’s and adult faith catechists will include keynote speakers, as well as Mass with the Archbishop, Holy Hour and […]


Genesis: a Pre-Cana Retreat

As you prepare for marriage, we invite you to be a part of the Genesis Marriage Community, where you will meet other engaged and newly married couples as well as married couples from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who want to share this exciting journey of married life with you. It all begins with GENESIS, […]


Dr. Edward Sri’s Virtual Advent Retreat

We are excited to announce that Dr. Edward Sri will be hosting a special virtual retreat exclusively for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati entitled Walking Through Advent with Mary. This event will take the place of the previously scheduled in-person Radiate Christ with Joy Advent Retreat that is now cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions. Take some time […]

Event Series Youth Evangelist Lunch and COVID Call

Youth Evangelist Lunch and COVID Call

The Youth Evangelization team will be meeting the FIRST WEDNESDAYS OF THE MONTH AT NOON for a Lunch & COVID Check-in.  Hear from CNE Staff on any pertinent updates or guidelines, ask questions and share challenges, and offer new ideas and suggestions with other ministers. Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to […]

Retiro de Discipulado

Programa de Formación de Discípulos Dr. Jaime Padro, un experto en su ramo, compartirá sus habilidades motivacionales, para enseñarte a desarrollar tu potencial de liderazgo para dar frutos abundantes. El costo para el retiro es de $10.00 (Todas la sesiones se darán a través de ZOOM) ¿Cuándo? Tres oportunidades para participar. Sábado, Enero 9 9 […]


Genesis: a Pre-Cana Retreat

Please note that this event is full. As you prepare for marriage, we invite you to be a part of the Genesis Marriage Community, where you will meet other engaged and newly married couples as well as married couples from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who want to share this exciting journey of married life […]

Cincinnati: Upper Room

Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood 5440 Moeller Ave, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Upper Room gathers youth evangelists -- DREs/CREs, Youth Ministers -- by region for lunch, fellowship, prayer, and a Holy Hour with Reflection & Confession. These are FREE events.


North: Upper Room

St. Michael 33 Elm St, Fort Loramie, OH, United States

Upper Room gathers youth evangelists -- DREs/CREs, Youth Ministers -- by region for lunch, fellowship, prayer, and a Holy Hour with Reflection & Confession. These are FREE events.


Dayton: Upper Room

St. Francis of Assisi 6245 Wilmington Pike, Dayton, OH, United States

Upper Room gathers youth evangelists -- DREs/CREs, Youth Ministers -- by region for lunch, fellowship, prayer, and a Holy Hour with Reflection & Confession. These are FREE events.


Campus Minister Meet-Up

Gathering together High School Campus Ministers for a time of prayer, fellowship, and conversation on topics pertaining to the field of campus ministry. Please visit the website for details on locations as they do rotate between Archdiocesan Wide with a Central Location and Regional Meetings. Join Zoom Meeting https://catholiccincinnati.zoom.us/j/92397705604?pwd=Z3dqZmZkZmhUd1NUakNmcVFHeFkwZz09 Meeting ID: 923 9770 5604 Passcode: 457094 One tap […]


Genesis: a Pre-Cana Retreat



Cincinnati: Upper Room

Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood 5440 Moeller Ave, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Upper Room gathers youth evangelists — DREs/CREs, Youth Ministers — by region for lunch, fellowship, prayer, and a Holy Hour with Reflection & Confession. These are FREE events. Virtual Upper Room Upper Room for next Tuesday, January 26th will be moving to a VIRTUAL setting (due to Hamilton County’s being purple). We’ll zoom from 11a.m. […]
