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Safe Haven Sunday

Clergy and Minister Resources

Catholic Christian Church Resources: Covenant Eyes
We have resources that can help you offer healing through the sacraments and lead the faithful on a path to health and freedom. We are here for you and all Catholic ministry leaders. Let us help you find the tools you need to offer hope and healing.

Pastoral Care

Catechism of the Catholic Church – Teaching on Chastity/ Sexuality

Create in Me a Clean Heart – This document articulates Church teaching on the person and the nature of human sexuality as designed by God. It also discussed the harms of pornography use both to the person and society.

Into the Breach – Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmstead, Diocese of Phoenix
This exhortation is for Catholic men. Bishop Olmstead reflects upon what it means to be a Catholic man, how to love rightly, and why fatherhood is important.

Life Matters: Pornography and Our Call to Love  – USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat. A short reflection on Christian love and why pornography should be rejected.

Gender Theory & Education – A 2019 document from the Roman Catholic Congregation for Catholic Education

Truth & Love – A pastoral resource collection managed by Courage International

Plunging Pornography– A Catholic Bathroom Book by DJ Hueneman (ages 13+)

Good Pictures Bad Pictures by Kristen A. Jenson (9+)

Wonderfully Made! Babies– A Catholic Perspective on How and Why God Makes Babies by Ellen Giangiordano (ages 9+)

Good Pictures Bad Pictures– Jr. by Kristen A. Jenson (ages 3-6)

Raising Pure Teens by Jason Evert & Christ Stefanice

Beyond the Birds and the Bees by Gregory Popcak

Ministry to Persons With a Homosexual Inclination – A 2006 document from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Living Truth in Love – A published collection of Catholic essays edited by Dr. Janet E. Smith & Fr. Paul Check

Chastity Project – Offers pastoral and cultural resources curated by Catholic chastity speaker Jason Evert and his team

Integrity Restored (Catholic site with resources for individuals and families affected by pornography)

Bloom for Catholic Women (For Catholic women healing from the trauma of their husband’s porn use)

Courage International – (Catholic Apostolate for those with same-sex attraction)

Responding to TRANSGENDER IDEOLOGY– Talking points for speaking to kids on gender and pronouns, and other tough topics

Catholic Women’s ForumOffers a transgender resource collection compiled from theological, scientific, legal, and cultural perspectives